Open Case Whilst Running

23 May 2006
Yes as you have probably guessed I want to know if I can open the side pannel to my case whilst the computer is running, I want to disconnect the side fan and monitor temps
Not a problem
Be aware that cases are designed to be run with the sides on in order to ensure proper airflow around components
Watch out if you have a chassis intrusion sensor ie switch it off in the BIOS
yes you can, you can even connect fans / disconnect them with the power running, (well i do) dont unplug cdroms of anything else tho with the power going as the pins may misallign and damage the drive
I don't think that you will have intruder detection on your case but you can check it in bios if you are worried. It is fine to run without the side on your case but it will affect airflow if you have fans in your case.
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