Open Office / NeoOffice / iWork / Office

I use iWork, I love it.

If I had to spend a lot of time sharing documents with Windows users I would probably use one of the others, but thankfully I don't have to so I can use the nicest bit of kit :)
I use InDesign for anything Pages/Word etc does, as I find these text editors slow and cumbersome for what they should be (Bring back appleworks!!!!).

I use Numbers for the spreadsheet and Keynote for presentations.

I have iWork and NeoOffice installed, used to have all of them but office 2008 was shocking :/
NeoOffice should be defunct but you know Open Source, wasting efforts doing pretty much the same thing twice (KDE/Gnome etc.)...

I use Office 2008, i have iWork and OpenOffice but quite frankly they can't and probably never will be able to compete with Office.
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