Open Source Monitoring

14 Sep 2011
Any suggestions for open source monitoring solutions?

Ideally something where:
- Different users have different permissions, so can view different hosts/services/etc
- Graphing with ability to view old perf data
- Support for SNMP - Switches/Routers, ESXi, KVM, Windows, Linux, Ceph, vSAN etc.
- Integration with some sort of dashboard

Currently using Nagios core and and I'll likely look at integrating PNP4Nagios with Grafana for dashboards, but just looking for any other suggestions people may have that I've not heard of.
We use Nagios (badly configured ... we were having issues with it on Friday ... turns out the load on the server was just under 2100 :eek:) as well as a Prometheus/Grafana solution for performance monitoring. Hell I think there is even some ELK for the systems in public cloud ...

Thing is with all these things ... you can just try them and see what fits with what you want.
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