Open Vs Closed headphones - Beyerdynamic DT770 Vs DT990

18 Oct 2002
My headphones died so decided on the Beyerdynamic DT770 and DT990 both in 250 ohm flavours.

I know open Vs closed has many variables but was wondering what folks opinions are on these.

I've actually bought both and have them on trial this week. Both sets are leaps and bounds better than my old ones - not sure what make, noise cancelling ones with like a G on the side.

The 990s were first and put on a couple of tracks that I knew well and I could pick out parts to the songs I'd never noticed before. They sound much "wider" if that makes sense to closed back sets. I pretty much decided not to even get the 770s out.

However, I did and it made the decision much harder. Much more bass being closed but didn't have that open sound from the 990s - I've assumed the drivers are the same just the construction of each set.

These phones will really be 90% gaming and both sounded fantastic. I did notice, as you would expect, much more outside noise creeping in with the 990s. I'm going to test tomorrow night and put the TV on at a normal level and see how noticeable it is with both sets. Naturally the 990s will let in outside noise. Just whether it is noticeable enough to lean me towards the 770s. Having had closed for yeas, I think I maybe favour the 770s but the expansive nature of open, at the expense of a little bass has me thinking I'd been missing something from my listening experience not having tried open sets like the 990.

What are folks opinion on open Vs closed and indeed the 770 Vs 990?
Interested in your opinion of the 770's

770s are probably more warmer than the 990s but that would be expected with the construction - the 990s can feel a bit "bright" and could easily be too "bright".

The 770s can offer the highs of the 990s but will provide a more meaty low. After a while I almost forgot which set I had on. At home, listening to music with little or no background noise then the 990s would be the winner. For gaming, I'm tempted to say the 770s. Little outside noise gets in which might be helpful if your gaming environment isn't a quiet area. And for gaming, I don't think you'd notice the constricted nature of the closed 770s. You would however, get more boomy 'splosions!
Depends what you want really, bassy sound, good for movies, games, isolation from surroundings, no brainer, DT770. If you want the best possible quality go for the DT990, and give them a bit bass boost, they just sound better in most respects.

This is pretty much where I got too. I have the 990s in work waiting to go back.

Of the two, I may have preferred the 990s but as the primary use of these headphones is gaming and there may be outside noise to contend with - if one of the kids is watching TV (although this isn't often) the noise will encroach so I chose the 770s.

I'm almost tempted to keep both. Use the 990s when the house is quiet and 770s when it's not. :)
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