I've an over 5 year old Silverstone 450W SFX psu, which I removed from my old machine recently. Works fine, a great little psu. I'd like to put it back in a new build, but it looks like it's got a fair amount of dust build up. I'm considering opening up the case to give it a good clean.
Has anyone done this? What are the pros and cons? Is it easy to screw something or are they fairly forgiving things to open and clean. I'd only give it a good going over with some compressed air, I wouldn't bother replacing the fan or anything like that.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Has anyone done this? What are the pros and cons? Is it easy to screw something or are they fairly forgiving things to open and clean. I'd only give it a good going over with some compressed air, I wouldn't bother replacing the fan or anything like that.
Any advice greatly appreciated.