Opening an image in a new window (darn auto image resizing!)

24 Mar 2003
I have an image on a web site that shows a map of the UK, with all the postal zones marked. On the main page I only show a friendly small version - but if you click on it, the full sized one opens in a new window. This is a seriously large image (about 1000x1500 px), but unfortuantly it has to be this big.

Automatic Image Resizing (which is enabled by default in Internet Explorer) shrinks this down to fit in a window - which defeates the idea of the large image. Is there any html or aspx code that I can add to stop it kicking in?

Cheers! :)
Can you not create another html page with the image on where you specify the image height and width and link to the html page rather than the image in the href from the smaller image.
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