OpenSIP & Linux Softphones

15 Sep 2009

I need to play around with and learn SIP so I thought OpenSIP along with Asterix (all based on Linux) would be a good place to start, but I need a softphone (I might buy an IP phone later but for now this will do)

Anyone got any recommendations on what is the best Linux softphone (free is preferred)?

I already know about Twinkle but doesn't look like any regular updates have been released for some time.

Any books you'd recommend also?

Thanks chaps :D
I used X-Lite with my asterisk home setup before I bought some Cisco phones. Its ad supported but seemed to do the job nicely and has windows, mac and linux clients.
By the way does anyone know of a way to accept RTCP packets and use them for monitoring VoIP Call Quality in Linux?

I'm looking for a decent listener that I can plug into MySQL, I'm quite happy to write the code to do the writing to MySQL so long as the RTCP listener provides the packets in nice readable format.

I've found this only so far:
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