opera to open torrents?

19 Oct 2002
something quite strange just happened and was wondering if anyone could shed some light...

i downloaded a torrent file (naruto) and the file downloaded instantly to my downloads folder, i then clicked it and instead of transmission popping up as expected opera loaded :confused: i havn't even installed opera so its got me foxed...

i shut that window and used "open with" to get it into transmission... i've checked my applications folder and opera isn't there and if i spotlight for it, again it is nowhere to be seen...

anyone know what could be going on here?
I download a .swf game and opera loaded it up as well, eventho I've never installed Opera on Leopard before...

I'm guessing there's something in Leopard (or Adobe) apps, that's running it/of it?
Dude, not trying to be nasty but can u please lay off the new thread every hour spam run.

Just look how many new posts you have made!

Kindly step away from ocuk immediatly and take a break!

Dude, not trying to be nasty but can u please lay off the new thread every hour spam run.

Just look how many new posts you have made!

Kindly step away from ocuk immediatly and take a break!

whoaaah there i had my mad rush day before yesterday (when i first got my macbook) but that was done then... i posted a few times yesterday cuz i was discussing my macbook dying, and today i've posted once!
Nothing personal, in fact I'm sorry if you've taken it personally, but you can't deny you've been churning out the threads recently. WotDa just pointed it out and asked you to calm it down.
I was saving the gayer comment for EVH, but you can have it now.

Gayer. :p

PS, new sigs, yay, nay or change them a bit?

heh, I like the blue one.

just noticed you're in the 'grove - that's my OH's neck of the woods
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