Opere is great!

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

Someone on the forums reccomended Opera to me a few days ago, and like he said, i havnt looked back :)

Its a lot quicker to use, and the interface is lot clearer in my opinion.

The main features for me are:

Mouse geusters
Intergrated skin downloader/installer

I've just discovered "Voice" aswell :D Now i can get my PC to read out rants in General Discussion thread.

Also, for the plebs amongst us (me) it has a dictionairy built in :) So no more looking dumb for benjo :p

Just a general opera thread.. for those of you that havnt tried, you may aswell ;)
I obviously didnt use the features when i wrote the thread, shhh ;) Besides.. i was just testing you all
I moved across when Firefox's memory leak started to really annoy me.

Tbh if firefox ever sorts it out i'd move back. There's a skin that I prefer to use and there's a lot more for it tbh.
Opera and Firefox generally have the same memory uppage (due to the tab cache for going back and forward instantly). Just that Opera by default has a feature that flushes the RAM (to about 5MB) when minimized. To get it on Firefox:

(enter stuff in "" without them ;) )

Go to "about:config" in the address bar
Right Click > New > Boolean
Enter In "config.trim_on_minimize" as the name
Select value as True
Restart Firefox
Check it's working in Task Manager when you minimize

Plus-44 said:
Sounds like a memory leak but i could be wrong, you checked the task manager to see what its doing. Jump to Opera you wont look back, i didnt!


It was me who told you mwhahahaha, seriously though I told ya you wouldnt look back!

*hugs Opera*

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