Opinions needed from experienced metal workers Re threaded fixings

17 Aug 2004
Now, are these standoff type things pressed on or do they have a glue holding them on.

I believe they are pressed on as there is no sign of glue or anything, maybe some kind of weld?

Do you think they are pressed on? There is no marks on the otherside of the metal to indicate this tho (normally a good sign).

Pressed I would have thought as I have never encountered welded inserts before - pressed or screw in. Non screw in types, like PEMS etc, have a serated oversized base which once pressed in hold on like hell.

There seems to be some witness marks though around the base of that fixing like it has been gripped by something in order to try and unscrew it or something.
i use them sometimes you get a hand tool like a riveter that has a threaded bit on the end you screw the fixing on, pop it in the hole and squeeze job done, the rivnuts as i call them are quite dear but you can get a mixed box with the tool for about £45
there isnt a hole on the otherside of these things tho?

I dont want to fit them, i just dont want them falling off in the acid bath before anodising. If they are attached by pressing then they will be fine, if they are attached using some kind of adhesive or weld they may come off
lol i didnt look properly , then my guess is that they are spot welded on , if you do drop them in an acid bath , im presuming your zinc plating ot chroming then you could always glue it on afterwards after taking some measurements of its exact position
pumpman said:
lol i didnt look properly , then my guess is that they are spot welded on , if you do drop them in an acid bath , im presuming your zinc plating ot chroming then you could always glue it on afterwards after taking some measurements of its exact position

Im anodising :).

there are about 50 of these things, i dont want to be gluing them on in a hurry.

plus if they fall off i wont get them back :(
bitslice said:
they could be friction welded ?
...I can't tell from the pics


good point, would explain the markings around them and small amount of "debris" that is on the bottom edge

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