Opinions needed on my impulse feebay purchase!

8 Mar 2006
Just bought myself a new lens off feebay and was wondering if I got a good deal or not, I think I did, but it was a bit of an impulse buy as it had no bids and was about to finish. As a result of this I didn't research the lens before buying it. The Lens is a Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX Asph DG DF (for my D50). It also comes with two filters and a case and the lens is new and has never been used. I paid 157 squid including postage. Should be better than the 18-55 DX that came with the camera?

And yes, I do realise that I should have made this post before buying the lens!


Its not going to be very wide. The crop factor will make it a 36 - 105mm (i think) lens. Ok for a low tele zoom though. For the price I think you should have got yourself a new 18 - 70mm Nikkor DX lens (£179).

Cheers for the advice. I was looking at the 18-70 DX as well, but this looked pretty good too. I'm not to bothered by it not being as wide as the kit lens, in fact I found the kit lens to be a bit short for what I need it for.

BTW, Happy birthday Joe T


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