opinions on a Kodak Z740/X650 digital camera's?

23 Feb 2004
Brentwood, Essex

Im going on holiday in september and looking to buy a new digital camera. My current olympus camera is cr@p. crap pictures even though its a 2.1mp it takes shots like a 640x480 VGA camera!

I've been looking at these too as they seem to be under £200 which is basically my budget but the zoom on these two has really caught my eye. 10x where as all the others are mainly 3x and the odd 4x optical zoom.

z740 is 5.1mp and the z650 is a 6.1mp camera. Im on planning on printing my pictures on a small printer with a size of 6" x 4" I think.

so what would you guys think of these camera or any thing else thats under £200 be good? obvisously I don't mind going over my budget if theres a really good camera out there.

What about these two?

Canon Powershot S70 7.1Megapixel Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot A620 7.4mp Digital Camera?

a friend got hold of a z740 for around £170
it was from some highstreet retailer
not a bad cam for the price and he loved the 10x optical zoom.
if you want a high zoom, have a look round also for a canon S2 IS(12x optical zoom) there coming down in price as the S3 IS is out in may.
i have had one from june last year and love it
Ok thanks for that!

What sort of megapixel should I really be looking for for 6" x 4" prints?
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