Opinions on my Site plz :)

11 Mar 2006
I'd like to know what everyone thinks about this site i made for my call of duty clan. It's just a fun site where ppl can watch some vids, check out some screenshots, get files etc.
On the 'servers' page the servers shown are actually down atm so the status bar may not work.
Please download the font here Download
Also, on the main page is there a way i can set the background image to fit/stretch to the viewer's screen?
Click here to view the site : Clan Site
Any opinions, views, thoughts for improvement would be greatly appreciated.
AMD :)
hehe i'll change any bmp files to jpg :)
But i don't get why u say u can't read anything, i must have super eyes :p
The 'Scatty-Hosting' link/site was made using templates. I wanted to try something something starting with a completely blank page, no templates :)
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i think it's just a standard quicktime audio plugin :confused:
I've searched on google and found some scripts that adjust the background image to fit the page, might try that.
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