Opinions on new watch...

18 Oct 2002
Colne.... Up Norf.
Added a couple more shots to the opening post, as for cost... it was labelled at £2260 and i got it for £2000... I was prepared to pay asking price but thought it wouldnt hurt to ask. :)
18 Oct 2002
Colne.... Up Norf.
Im now in the market for another Breitling watch, and im totally gutted about it... ive only had the Hercules for 5 days and for the last 4 hours it has been acting up... I have been monitoring it all week to see how good timekeeper it is, based on the -4/+6 seconds per day guarentee... and in all fairness it hasnt lost or gained a single second all week. Until tonight, its been gaining 3 seconds every MINUTE for the last few hours... Ive spoken to the shop and they have told me to take it back and they will send it off to Breitling for repair/service, but, tbh, thats not good enough, ive not dropped, knocked or abused it in anyway and its let me down, so its going back for a full refund...

Is this a common thing with mechanical watches or have I just been extremely unlucky?
18 Oct 2002
Colne.... Up Norf.
DreederOcUK said:
Hmm... Just done a search and found This thread now im sure im getting a full refund... this is now a more common issue than just a freak 1 off.

Just an update about the fault on this watch, Im just home from Ernest Jones in the Trafford Centre...first time ive been able to get over about the fault and its still running fast. Im now even more annoyed as they wouldnt give me a refund, instead they insisted on sending it away for examination and testing... its gaining 3seconds/MINUTE and the STUPID sales assisant and manager didnt believe me. They said as Id worn the watch I wasnt entitled to a full refund unless it was found to be faulty... so that means if you buy anything from Ernest Jones their returns and refund policy only applies if you dont actually plan on using it... Also the wear makes were on the watch when I bought it, but, as it was the only one in the store and had been on display I accepted it as it was.

Both the Sales Assistant and Manager were totally unwilling to perform any kind of test on the watch to prove it gained 3 seconds per minute as they werent technicans... and stated that they didnt have the required equipment to perform any tests, now this is where I got kinda annoyed, stood in a shop full of watches they werent prepared to compare mine with any of theirs over a 1 minute period, and the reason for not performing the simplest of checks was because they couldnt be sure the watch they used to compare against was accurate... So they Admit to selling a shop full of in-accurate watches??

I also managed to empty the shop of all other customers, and can only hope I lost them a few sales, now ive got to wait for the watch to be sent to Brietling, be tested and then I "might" get a refund if the watch is found to be faulty. After about an hour of discussion/arguement they offered to pay my petrol expenses, but, wouldnt let me collect my refund from a more local store to myself, instead I have to travel the 100mile round trip in a couple of weeks after testing.

Ive now lost all confidance in Ernest Jones and after reading the other post on here my confidance in Breitling isnt all that good. So if Breitling decide its not a fault and instead calibrated/repair it I will get it returned as fully working, that basically means ive paid £2k for a refurbished watch and wont get a refund at all.

In summary... ERNEST JONES ARE ****.
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