Opinions on picture for Emotion compotition wanted

26 Aug 2003
The North
Opinions on picture for Emotion competition wanted

As title really. I'm leaning towards the first of the following, but I have a small selection of possibles at the moment so looking for some opinions. Cheers in advance!




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Cheers guys! I prob play around with a closer crop of the 1st to see if i like that better... I know the 4th shows obvious emotion but its not a hugely interesting picture for me...

So no ones seeing the emotion in the 2nd? I thought the 2guys going in for the hug was a little emotional... Maybe thats just me though :D
I would put the any of the first three way above the last. Maybe I'm getting old but everyone looks a little chavvy in it and it's not a great shot IMO.

Of the others I wouldn't choose the first as the blokes right fist is right across the face of the other man. 2 or 3 for me but I can't really choose. Both say joy which is good enough for an emotion theme. If pushed I would say the 2nd as the whole scene seems happy but the two men are picked out from the rest of the crowd so you get a feeleing of overall as well as individual celebration. The only downside is you have chopped their feet off but in fairness it's not the sort of situation you consider composision. Technically it's not great but I think it fits the theme well.

And after all of that I have no idea how to contribute to this theme. I like it though, just stuck for ideas.
yak.h'cir said:
So no ones seeing the emotion in the 2nd? I thought the 2guys going in for the hug was a little emotional... Maybe thats just me though :D

I thought the guy in the red was about to slap / just had slapped the guy in white... :p
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