Opinions on these budget cases

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Meed a new case but im very skint,

What do people think of these and which would they choose :

Asus TA-210 Series Midi Tower (Black) - No PSU

Akasa AK-ZEN-01-BK Zen Black Case - No PSU

Thermaltake VC2000BNS Mambo SuperMidi Tower - Black

Antec SLK3000B Midi Tower Case - No PSU

Currently swaying towards the Antec or the Thermaltake

To house the rig in my sig and later a C2D system
Well i should be calling into the shop tomorrow anyhow. The ETA for the black ones was 1/2/07. If they dont have any what do you think of the thermaltake mambo as an alternative?
dun said:
Anyone get any info on when they are back in stock?

I asked today and theres no ETA. I ended up with the Thermaltake Mambo. Will get round to building at the weekend. Will post a review then :)
dun said:
Thanks for that mate. Just have to decide if I should buy my new components now with the mambo while some are on this week only or wait for the zen to come back :\

Thats my plan also ;)
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