Opinions on these deals

24 May 2012
Hi all,
Long time reader on here just never posted before, nothing to offer that you guys don't type before me and have been happy over the last year or so with my trusty SV650.

But, loooong story short, my SV is going and I really don't know which avenue to take.

Local-ish garage has this Thundercat 600 (Its the bike at the bootom of the webpage - http://www.cheshirecustommotorcycles.co.uk/Bikes) for £1,795 with the following brief description

Yamaha Thunder Cat 600 YZR
One Owner
17,000 miles
Excellent Condition

I've not been to sit on it yet, but as a 6'4" person with dodgy knees the sport-bike thing never really appealed, but this seems a more relaxed ride from what I have gathered on-line.

The next find was this Bandit 1200 Now this one shows as £1,595 on the dealers site, but the same bike is on Biketrader for £1,795, so either way same price range as the 'Cat.

Now I have sat on a Bandit 12 and it was comfy as hell, granted not moving, but do any of you guys have experience on either bikes, any of you tall-ish and did you find them comfy and last I guess is at the same price range should I obviously go for the bigger bike?

Appreciate your help no this guys and hopefully I can stick around and help others as time goes on.


*Edited, 'Cat link screwed up!
bandit 1200 is highly tunable,probably cheaper on insurance,id get a quote for both bikes first,might help you decide better
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I had a tuned mk1 Bandit 12 for about 3 years, I'm 6'3" & long in the leg, i found it plenty roomy enough for a lanky sod like me, so i'll give a +1 for the Bandit 12 from personal experience.

Oh & they are ridiculously easy to tune, airbox, filter, endcan, jetting & ignition advancer ( advanced +2 degrees ) = obscene amounts of fun. :D
Got a quote today from Ebike, just because thats who I'm with atm.

£360 for the Bandit and £415 for the 'Cat, so the Bandit has it so far being more Tunable and a little cheaper.

Going to see them both tomorrow hopefully, so maybe I will decide once I see them in the flesh!
Tough one, I've not ridden either of them as I'm a noobie to biking however, I liek the Bandit actually think it looks a little "classier" and that engine will be smooth I'd expect?
The Bandit is going to have the most comfortable, upright position by quite a way. The Thundercat is quite comfortable as sports bike go, but it still has clip ons.

The Bandit 1200 engine is derived from the old oil cooled GSXR engines, and are well known for their strength and reliability. It only makes about the same power as the Thundercat, but with double the capacity it delivers mountains of torque which makes it a much more relaxed ride. They respond very well to tuning if you ever feel the need for more power.
I'm 6ft 5 & just realised I don't fit my sport bike. :( Riding it for 2 - 3 hours is like fighting a 20 year old. :p

Anyways I've been out & about shopping for a replacement & I sat on a 1200 Bandit only tuther day.
As far as room & comfy goes it pawns for blokes like us but I wanted something smaller/lighter so think I'm going with an Enduro/Dual purpose bike as I've had DT's/ER's & TS's as a kid & got on great with them. Having one with a 500cc thumper lump in it should make it able to do all the miles I want & keep me comfy as well, There's dudes out in SA doing 9 hour trips on them. :cool:

The CAT I sat on still felt like a Sport bike position which is just to cramped for my daddy long legs. :o
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