opinions please - 1st draft of website

There is no page title because its only there to show you guys. Is the design that bad?? :(

I can centre align the page so its not so sqashed.
On the font front the have been cut poorply from a letterhead, the compnay that designed the logo will not give out a digital version, nor will the say what the font is :(
Cheers M8

The links are not in yet as im awaiting approval to go ahead with filling the site content.

Just got the page title sorted :)
showroom pic was ripped of another site just to give the guys an idea of how it will look. If they OK the design then I will go to the shop with a digital camera and do it all right.

Thanks for the comments so far :)
Cheers Huppy

Your right about me not having the time to learn CSS and so on. This is a hobby and I have enough commitments to worry about without adding another :)
No m8, ill be getting a few hundred for it.

Theres going to be a lot of content in the site and ill have to travel to take photo's and so on.

I think thats a fair price.
I also bought a Bronco from Iain :) Full quiver in fact.

The reason the site hasnt been updated in that Iain is no longer the distributor, he is more of a rep now, with Ocean Rodeo handling the distrubution themselves.

Really nice guy Iain was.

As for the site, I havnt had any problems viewing it with different browsers. I have also asked a few of my m8s to have a look on their comps, they had no problems either. Faster loading and maintenance is not a problem either, its not as if the site has masses of pictures.

Just my opinion.
Im asking for opinions based on me not being a professional web designer :rolleyes:

Its also the way that you give your opinions, you dont exactly seem like the friendly type. Mabey a bit of advice and not just a slating would make your comments more useful.
Cuchulain said:
I suspect any negative feedback to your work is unwelcome, as I said, if you don't like it, don't ask for opinions.

Thats why I totally redesigned the site since the 1st post? and also took onboard the comments about the buttons and so on?

Its not your opinions that i dont like m8, they are true enough. Its the way you say them that I dont like.
Mark M said:
Site looks ok.

Nothing wrong with using dreamweaver. Next we will be hearing that every site has to be written in notepad or it should be blacklisted.

Why not try having a look at incorporating some css into the site/your next site/test site? It really does make a difference and isnt too hard to get the hang of.

Will do Mark, I think i'll work on my own site next, at least that way I can take my time and learn CSS as I go.
Thanks for all the comments guys, even Cuchulain :)

Im going to design a portfolio site after this one is completed and do things by the book, we'll see how that turns out.

At least I know I can count on you guys for some constructive criticism :D
Sic said:
your own ability should do that! i agreed with what you were saying up until then. i dont think that people should be getting cash for substandard work; regardless of whether the customer is happy with it or not, as they won't know what they're talking about half the time...that's why they've got you in to do it.

if you like being a freelance designer, maybe you should think about building a site with web standards (it really doesn't take long to learn CSS), then you can build a portfolio and get MORE clients!

And I quote myself ;)

- Im going to design a portfolio site after this one is completed and do things by the book, we'll see how that turns out. -
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