I could have said 'well, it's okay' or just kept clear of the topic, but you've been good enough to comment on my work so I thought I'd offer an opinion.
It's a weird picture. It's certainly atmospheric and it looks like something taken on an old emulsion and stored in an attic somewhere; whether you were going for that feel I don't know, but that's certainly the first impression I got. It kind of looks like the type of shot you'd see in a photography textbook to illustrate the first B&W photography and it's the type of image that would probably be a cause for debate amongst arty types.
Technique wise, the shadow of the first fencepost on the left feels too strong for me and it almost stands out too much. As you rightly thought, the fence does lead the eye through the frame, but the tree looks grubby and almost looks as if you've put a thumb on the emulsion as it was being exposed - assuming we're still going with the B&W film photography thing here!
I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate it, but it's not something that I would associate with the general quality of your previous work I've seen. As an experiment it probably stands up, but only just, and if you can go somewhere with it then I take my hat off to you.