Oppo 203 - No Sound?

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey guys,

Last night I went to play some Last of us 2, I have my PS4 connected to the HDMI in on the Oppo, and when turning everything on, I noticed I was getting no sound through my speakers. At first I thought it was a receiver issue, but after swapping inputs around and messing with settings, I ruled that out, same with the PS4 after plugging it directly in to the receiver.

So then I knew it was the Oppo. Films, audio cd's or any output for that matter suddenly has no sound. The picture is still absolutely flawless but the sound appears to have just died. I only used it the night previous with no issues so I'm a little miffed that something seems to have died, and maybe hoping that it's something simple.

I did a factory reset, just in case it was a setting I'd accidentally changed, but no joy. Moved cables around, still nothing.

Any ideas? Unfortunately, it's out of warranty now as it only came with the 2 years from Richer Sounds (pretty miffed, I thought it was a 5 year guarantee but apparently not :(


EDIT - After posting this, I went and tried the other HDMI out (the audio only one) and I get sound, so might be a bad HDMI port :(
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Posting an update in the hope that anyone who may have the same problem or similar with this player or others, that it may help them

So I contacted Oppo support, explaining the situation and asking if there's anything I can try while I wait for repair centres to start taking on work, or any hidden menus that I can try. They told me that based on my description, it's a HDMI handshake issue and not a hardware problem, and that a quick fix would be to clear the persistent storage. When I looked at doing this before, the menu makes it sound like it was purely for disc information so I didn't do it. Any way, doing that immediately fixed it for me, so god knows what else that persistent storage stores, but something had gotten in there that was breaking stuff. I'm all back up and running now!

To think I was a click away from spending £900 on a Panasonic UB9000 yesterday! :p
Posting an update in the hope that anyone who may have the same problem or similar with this player or others, that it may help them

So I contacted Oppo support, explaining the situation and asking if there's anything I can try while I wait for repair centres to start taking on work, or any hidden menus that I can try. They told me that based on my description, it's a HDMI handshake issue and not a hardware problem, and that a quick fix would be to clear the persistent storage. When I looked at doing this before, the menu makes it sound like it was purely for disc information so I didn't do it. Any way, doing that immediately fixed it for me, so god knows what else that persistent storage stores, but something had gotten in there that was breaking stuff. I'm all back up and running now!

To think I was a click away from spending £900 on a Panasonic UB9000 yesterday! :p

Very strange.

Oppo203 is such a great player. Shame the company stopped making them.
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