Opteron 146 cheap cooling advice

12 Jun 2004
ive purchased an opteron 146 and an msi k8n neo2 but need a hsf
im thinking of an arctic cooling freezer 64 pro
is this the best cooler in its price range?
im looking to spend about 25 quid max as my move to 64 bit is, unfortunately, on a budget ( an the opty ate most of that )
if i can clock to 2.4 ill be happy
2.6 and ill be absolutly delighted
i have a crappy cheap case with 80mm side, rear and top fans, no front intake sadly and case temps max out at about 38c in middle of summer
28c right now idle on a cold day
i wont be able to buy a new case as my case budget went on my missus ghds for her bday...pffffff
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