Optical audio connections

22 Nov 2007
I am buying a cambridge audio tv5 sound base and it uses an optical connection. I want to hook it up to the tv, a ps4 and an apple tv. Does this mean i need to run an optical cablr from each device to the sound bar? Sorry i am complete noob with these things.
I just saw this on cnet and now I am confused as to why I would need one of these switcher boxes.

"Yes, most home theater gadgets these days use HDMI, but that doesn't mean you necessarily need HDMI ports on your sound bar. Instead, you can connect all your home theater devices directly to your TV, then use the TV's audio output to connect to the sound bar. That way when you switch inputs on your TV, you'll also be switching what audio is sent to your sound bar. And it's typically a slightly cleaner setup because you only need one cable running to the sound bar."
This is how I understood it as well.

The TV may receive an all singing format but will down scale the audio to basic stereo and only output that through the optical link.

If you want the audio format you need to connect from source afaik.

Apparently the tv i am buying outputs dolby digital via the optical slot which is good enough for me.

Samsung JS8500
Chris [BEANS];29211032 said:
That's from the TV itself. So, freeview, maybe Netflix etc if it's a smart tv. However, if you're looking for more than stereo from things attached to the TV, like a sky box, console, Blu ray player etc then you'll need to connect them straight to the soundbar.
The TV will only 'pass through' stereo.

Oh right, this is confusing lol. I have been used to tv speakers from a 7 year old lg lcd so i am sure a sound bar like the Q acoustics media 4 will be a big step up even if it is stereo from ps4/apple tv.
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