Hi, was just wondering what the best way to connectg my PC to my Z5400s would be.
I currently have it connected using the standard 6CH analouge connection from my soundblaster but my motherboard has optical/coaxial out (the circular one not square)
WHat would be the best way to connect it up as I watch a lot of HD films via my pc.
Failing this would it be worth upgrading my soundcard to one with optical out?
If so any recomendations?
Cheers, Ash.
I currently have it connected using the standard 6CH analouge connection from my soundblaster but my motherboard has optical/coaxial out (the circular one not square)
WHat would be the best way to connect it up as I watch a lot of HD films via my pc.
Failing this would it be worth upgrading my soundcard to one with optical out?
If so any recomendations?
Cheers, Ash.