Options for 1-eye people?

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
What are the VR options for 1-eyed people? The graphics would need to be in 2D, so nothing stereoscopic. Is there VR kit that covers just the 1 eye? An example of this is using a monocular, which you use with 1 eye as opposed to a pair of binoculars which cover both eyes. A monocular looks like a small flashlight-sized telescope.

Any other 'cyclops' around here? :-)
I would imagine they would use the same as people with two eyes. Am I missing something?

Two eyes see two 2D images, which is made 3D by the brain, no? Like real life. Surely 1 eyed person uses the same, but just sees the one image... like real life.

I could be I just don't understand how it all works though :)
My only issue is with UI elements. My left eye is very bad which makes playing a game like subnautica difficult as the oxygen meter is in the bottom left corner.

I wonder if a tool could be made that alters VR output so that it renders the whole scene to one eye? I don't know how far the APIs go, I would like to control brightness and angle of the image per eye. It's worth asking around on reddit.
My only issue is with UI elements. My left eye is very bad which makes playing a game like subnautica difficult as the oxygen meter is in the bottom left corner.

I wonder if a tool could be made that alters VR output so that it renders the whole scene to one eye? I don't know how far the APIs go, I would like to control brightness and angle of the image per eye. It's worth asking around on reddit.
The Ui is rendered in each eye the same so if it's in the bottom left in the left eye it will also be in bottom left of the right eye. Only having one eye is not a problem everything will still be in 3d etc
It's pretty close to 100% I could take a screen shot, I think you'd struggle to point out where it didn't repeat in both images.
The Ui should be 100% especially if it's on the same plane but seeing as you are using one eye it won't matter.

In Subnautica's defence, the UI is a projection on a visor that you are wearing in front of your face, hence not rendered as a 2d object on top of the scene. I feel that all UI elements in all games should be configurable. Even non VR games that have the map, or any other frequently useful element, on the left side of the screen are frustrating to me.

What are the VR options for 1-eyed people?

Have you tried emailing Pimax as their wide FOV looks very promising? If one panel could be removed and the remaining moved a litttle more towards center.
I have two eyes but I only really see properly out of one at a time (I can consciously switch between which is my 'primary' eye) as my brain never learnt to properly interpret images from two eyes at once. 3D is generally a bit of a fail for me (it just looks blurry?), although when I tried a friends PS VR it did seem pretty good.
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