Options for install on laptop

21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
My fiance has a work laptop which broke and got replaced. Now she wants me to repair it as the new one isnt as good as her old one.

I have the exact replacement HDD for the model however Im stuck as the cd-rom drive spins but doesnt do anything else. I would like to install windows on this HDD but is proving complicated as theres no floppy and cd-rom borked. What options have I got?


does it have a network card?

look around for cd drive, can buy replcaements for not too much usually!
Sorry this thread must have missed being flagged as I didnt know anyone responded. I have a 512mb usb stick however dont know if that will hold the i386 folder Bigboy. Can you expand?
First off can the BIOS be set to boot from usb?

If yes then you need the stick formated so it is bootable do a google for booting from usb and there are loads of guides. then on a working pc copy the i386 folder from the Winxp cd onto the usb stick (512mb should be plenty) then just run the winnt.exe from inside the folder once booted.
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