I've been using a HP Media Server EX490 running WHS for probably a decade now.
It has been serving two functions for me, one as a NAS and two as an automated backup of Windows clients.
I've moved the NAS away as I never really trusted the mandatory Windows Drive Extender but the backup service runs every night to maintain recovery images of every other machine and also allows me to browse individual files in those backups and restore to a point in time.
This has been very useful and has allowed me to restore a machine fully after a crash and recover various documents when they have been corrupted, lost or deleted.
Unfortunately the software no longer works reliably with Windows 10 and I can't depend on this solution any longer.
I'm looking for as close to a like for like replacement as possible to perform these backups.
The closest hardware wise probably would be something like a HP Gen8/Gen10 Microserver or a Dell T30/T40. But where I'm really stuck is the important bit, equivalent replacement software.
I've been reading that Windows Server Essentials basically has the same exact backup functionality that I've been used to in WHS and screens and wizards that I'll be used to. (Can't find any youtube videos showing this functionality, might have to spin up an AWS box and have a look around.)
But then it seems to get complicated. It sounds like Server Essentials 2016 can only be used as a domain controller and that some significant messing about is required for Win 10 Pro clients if you want them in a workgroup rather than a domain.
Not sure if 2019 still suffers this problem or how easy it is to get around but I've also read suggestions that there is no Essentials versions of 2019 at all in which case I assume I couldn't obtain cost effective licences for the larger versions.
If you are in the know about these things or using any of these solutions I would really appreciate a steer on this.
EDIT - I've come across a lot of people saying just use Win 10 instead of a server OS but as far as I can tell there is no automated functionality within Windows 10 for it to take scheduled backups of other clients - is there?
I've been using a HP Media Server EX490 running WHS for probably a decade now.
It has been serving two functions for me, one as a NAS and two as an automated backup of Windows clients.
I've moved the NAS away as I never really trusted the mandatory Windows Drive Extender but the backup service runs every night to maintain recovery images of every other machine and also allows me to browse individual files in those backups and restore to a point in time.
This has been very useful and has allowed me to restore a machine fully after a crash and recover various documents when they have been corrupted, lost or deleted.
Unfortunately the software no longer works reliably with Windows 10 and I can't depend on this solution any longer.
I'm looking for as close to a like for like replacement as possible to perform these backups.
The closest hardware wise probably would be something like a HP Gen8/Gen10 Microserver or a Dell T30/T40. But where I'm really stuck is the important bit, equivalent replacement software.
I've been reading that Windows Server Essentials basically has the same exact backup functionality that I've been used to in WHS and screens and wizards that I'll be used to. (Can't find any youtube videos showing this functionality, might have to spin up an AWS box and have a look around.)
But then it seems to get complicated. It sounds like Server Essentials 2016 can only be used as a domain controller and that some significant messing about is required for Win 10 Pro clients if you want them in a workgroup rather than a domain.
Not sure if 2019 still suffers this problem or how easy it is to get around but I've also read suggestions that there is no Essentials versions of 2019 at all in which case I assume I couldn't obtain cost effective licences for the larger versions.
If you are in the know about these things or using any of these solutions I would really appreciate a steer on this.
EDIT - I've come across a lot of people saying just use Win 10 instead of a server OS but as far as I can tell there is no automated functionality within Windows 10 for it to take scheduled backups of other clients - is there?