Opty 148 Clocking...

7 Feb 2004
North East
Just started clocking my Opty 148 ...

I know its not conclusively stable etc... but i only had 10 mins go :)

GTG to work, but when i get back at 11.30 ish... (work at a bar) im going to have a bit more time to spend... plus im off tomoro :)

Need to sort timings and divider out (3-4-4 atm ... 166 divider)


Little River Cascade
Swiftech MCP600 (AQ50Z)
Black Ice Pro 3 with 3 x 7v Yate Loons

DFI NF4 Infinity
AMD Opteron 148
2 x 1gb Samsung Original UCCC


EDIT : That clock is also 4mb stable
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whats your memory running at as you should be able to get low 26s with the right ram setup

or where ya just testing ya highest clock speed(ram on a big divider)

very good clock by the way :D :D :D
cavemanoc said:
That's an outstanding clock for that voltage on water! Get tweaking, let's see what it can do!

thats just an "i'll pick a voltage to see what i can do...." voltage

need to drop it yet :D

turbotoaster said:
whats your memory running at as you should be able to get low 26s with the right ram setup

yeah, need 2x256 or something for benches with tighter timings
plays cod2 for at least an hour...

i got 2mhz more fsb without it needing a major voltage / colder :(

but i can reduce the voltage at 2 fsb more, and have gone down 0.5v so far... still fine :)
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