Can the kind members of OcUK do a little test for me. Ideally Orange contract.
When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?
Does this message pop up every 5-10mins until you listen to the voicemail or stop after a few hours, or only pop up the once?
As you can guess I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.
I do not mean I am getting lots of the same voicemail, one message just lots of prompts.
When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?
Does this message pop up every 5-10mins until you listen to the voicemail or stop after a few hours, or only pop up the once?
As you can guess I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.
I do not mean I am getting lots of the same voicemail, one message just lots of prompts.