Orange iPhone - Voicemail

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
Can the kind members of OcUK do a little test for me. Ideally Orange contract.

When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?

Does this message pop up every 5-10mins until you listen to the voicemail or stop after a few hours, or only pop up the once?

As you can guess I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.

I do not mean I am getting lots of the same voicemail, one message just lots of prompts.


kvfb97 how many times does it alert you of a voicemail.

I think that the issue is not with my iPhone but with my sim or something Orange-end.

Try explaining this to Orange though, not easy! Especially when using an unsupported device.
I get exactly the same thing, it annoys the hell out of me. You can change your Orange Voicemail settings so that it doesn't alert you iirc, however it would be a little pointless cos you'd never know when you had a voicemail obviously.


Ah, I am not alone! Anybody else? Trying to establish wether this is an Orange/iPhone incompatibility or some other problem
Bugger. As I run my own business I get a LOT of voicemail and it's not always convenient to listen to them immediately.

I may switch the audible alert off I think and just stick with the on-screen message.
Surely it would be possible to code some sort of fix for this issue if you had the relevant knowledge? I wonder if such fix exists or anybody could create a fix?
For the record I never resolved this issue, sold the iPhone 2g not long after I made this thread. I recently cancelled my orange contract and took a 3gs on o2.

I must say I always overlooked visual voicemail as a gimmick but as I mentioned before I receive a fair few messages for my work from which I have to note down name's, numbers and computer issues and visual voicemail is brilliant for this.
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