Orange Ordering

24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
When you order online, where do you put your PAC code?

I don't want to keep clicking next and submit my order without finding it.

There "Want to keep your number? see how" box is useless:

"It can take as little as seven days to transfer your number to Orange. If you want, we can give you a temporary number while your number is being transferred, so you can start enjoying the benefits of Orange straightaway."

Vegeta said:
Yeah you just ring orange once your contracts up and running, will take about 7-10 days and they will tell u what day it will change over on.
Awesome... I made that mistake with O2/voda before and they need the pac at the onset.... I had to cancel everything :s
Well I rang them... apparently my order went to "manual credit check". I dind't understand her but she basically said it had effectively been cancelled. So I redid the order over the phone and credit checked with debit card.

There was no mention of delivery time choices etc.. :S

And nice of them to contact me, a? I feel like a mug again...
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scoopex said:
I found that out meself when i got my n95 fron Orange but i ordered a 4gb scandisk SDHC online for £35.00.

What's the default pin code?

I can't find it in my documentation.. I've tried "0000" and "00000".. not sure how many tries I have left and I'm now scared.
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