It is the new types of 2 pack clear they are using. It’s a self levelling clear, that flows when you spray, and then the hardener (activator) reacts when it flows together and dries. There are also now legislations over paints as well as environmental issues (VOC etc), plus it’s all about getting the car out of the paint shop as fast as possible. Shortest cure times etc... 2 pack clear is hard within 24 hours, put it in an oven and it will be cured even faster, and give off less VOC. the less time it takes to fume out, the less VOC the paint will create. But you still need a lot of breathing gear, as the hardener is not good to breath in...
They use this, as it’s a quicker turn a round and requires only a few coats, and no cutting back and levelling off. Sadly, it does sometimes orange peel up a little.
My Honda has orange peel, I keep meaning to get a paint measure and see just how thick the paint level is. I can see the orange peel down one side if I look at the right angle, and in the sun it’s very apparent, but I’m not about to cut it out until I know how much clearcoat I’ve got. 2 pack is hard, but it’s not as hard as some older cellulous type paints, but not as soft as some of the newer acrylic clearcoats either.
The sales guy at Honda told me when I mentioned it that they leave the orange peel to stop bird muck affecting the paint. WFT..!! I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. I simply replied yeah right…!! Only if you lay down a “damn” good coat of polish and wax, and the wax works into the orange peel and gives a barrier would that actually work. Some sales guys will tell you anything.
To sum up, there is basically now a days two types of clear they could be using, acrylic lacquer clear coat and urethane clear coat. Acrylic clear coat almost certainly needs to be cut back and polished, as this will not level off well enough, but urethane clear requires the activator, to harden it up, and this is what levels it off and then dries when it reacts to each other and dries smooth. Mostly it does, but a very small texture that looks like orange peel is being left behind, but they do not cut this out, as it’s not as bad as Acrylic clear and requires fewer coats to gloss up, whereas Acrylic needs many coats to build up the gloss.