Order of Folders and Files on Leopard?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

I'm still running Tiger on my MBP, as Im waiting for the new Mac Pro's to get Leopard, but theres one thing I was hoping they put in Leopard that was never in Tiger... I doubt they have, but I'm gonna ask anyway :)

Can you order folders and files in finder by Folders then Files? So if you have a folder with 5 folders and 10 files in it, it would order the 5 folders in alphabetical order, then under that the 10 files in alphabetical order? Exactly like Windows does?

I find navigating like that so much simpler, and would be a nice addition os OS X!

I know theres an order by "Kind" but that don't work as I expect it to work!

Not that I can see, nope. Looks like the same menu as in Tiger.

Have a look here for some suggestions though.
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Doh, how does the order by "Kind" work for you? Its weird, cos when I first select that it will order it by folders then files and I think great, then it will change and not do them alphabetically, then it will start mixing same files up? Its either very buggy, or I have the wrong idea of how it is suppose to work?
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