Ordered sony a818!

I had one and sold it to Greenlizard on here, great, great player, can't say a bad word about the thing :)
Yeap, Hxc sold me his 8GB version, and I'm about to sell on it's smaller brother (4GB) to somebody else here. It's an excellent player, good interface and music sounds fine.
i've got the smaller 816 (4gb) fantastic sound quality and i don't need any more space really, you've definitely done the right thing :)
Yeap, I usually go for companies that have niche'd themselves very well, and I was surprised to hear that Sony's were punching quite well on the rankings.
i love mine, had it for around 6 months. i brought the invisible shield to protect it from scratches and before that i had crystal case which makes the A818 look good and also protect it. the battery life is amazing and i also custom set the equaliser for better sounds.
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