
18 Oct 2002
Well all, have finally ordered a Macbook after much pondering this last few months after being blown-away by a friends Unibody one. Had a last-minute temptation with an iMac but decided portability is something I'd like :)

Pairing it up on my desk with a Samsung T260HD when at home and my plan is to totally switch to OSX if I get on with it (using the Macbook as a base-unit of sorts with NAS for storage), but I really like what I see so far :cool:

Can't wait! Delivery should be tomorrow :D


PS Ordered a Logitech lap-table thingy too for when on the sofa with it
Dude will you be my sweet heart and take some nice pictures when your setup, I really am interested in that LCD/TV so a pair up would be great to see.

Enjoy btw.

Sure will do. Will miss the DHL del today as I'm working til 6, but they're open til 7 thank gawd so will get it in time for tonight :cool:
I shouldn't have posted the price, gettin emails lol. Good job OcUK dont sell Macs :p

On another note, DHL have managed to screw my delivery up (returned to sender, dont ask) so I'll have to be a little more patient. Good job it aint life or death :D
Ok! Turned around the one I had coming from the high street store & reordered from the HE store yesterday for the lovelyness of the 3yr warranty :cool:

Expecting it today, but does anyone know what courier Apple use?


Yup was UPS. Got it & it's lush but there's a very very slight mark on the lid that I'm not really happy about. Problem is now I've got it I don't really wanna let it go now lol :D
Ok Feek thanks. Guy on HE fone said they were seperate entities but he could send one out if I needed then send the one I have back. Gonna give it the weekend & go from there. Swaying towards a swap at the mo, but tbh now I've got it dont wanna let it go lol :D

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