Ordering items from the states - ship to the UK

13 Dec 2003

looking to purchase something from the states (clothing) but the retailer does not ship to the UK

has anyone used anything like stackry or similar to have it forwarded / shipped to the UK

any alternatives / recommendations?

thanks in advance
The best way is to get it sent to someone you know in the US who can forward it on. I spent a lot of time earlier in the year looking at these companies who do parcel forwarding and from all the reviews, I couldn’t find a single one that I felt I could trust.
No idea who is best but parcel2go I remember offered this. A relative would be useful instead, Canada even.

I ordered a ti4200 from Colorado art house 2nd hand, years ago. Was good price but with shipping by land, so it took from September till just before Xmas to arrive the parcel was large enough for a large Labrador but no tax luckily :D another parcel was charged 100% taxes (a DRAM not flash mp3 player damaged stock they assumed highest price), always pay when posting not on delivery its like a fine almost or can be
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