Ordering New MacBook Pro!

19 Oct 2005
Hi Guys!

My MacBook Pro 17" (2.33Ghz) is showing signs of aging (hard drive isn't making healthy noises!) and thought i'd buy a new one with some money i have saved up for a Mac Pro. I may still buy Mac Pro or even a iMac come MacWorld though!:p

Just looking at the upgrade info and can't decide what processor to get! I learnt last time that get the best possible, which i did. A 17", 2.33Ghz, 2GB RAM (now 4GB), gloss screen. I'm glad i got the best as it's lasted me 2 years!!! It only seems like yesterday that i got it!

Is the 2.8GHz upgrade processor the same production process and core architecture as the 2.53GHz? (Santa Rosa, Penryn etc...) I wanna make sure i'm getting the lastest processor! Browsing the intel site it seems it is! 1066MHz FSB and a 6MB L3 cache.

I am also going to get the 320GB 7200rpm upgrade. One problem i have with my current is that the hardrive isn't big enough for everything, iTunes, Logic Pro and all the files, Aperture, Photoshop etc...

The 4GB upgrade is a given! It's a must! :p

Hopefully should come sometime next week or so if i order soon! HE discount is such a plus as i basically get the upgrades for free!

P.S I just hope there is no quad core MacBook Pro 17" being shown at MacWorld! :p
Not really what you're asking but why not just replace the hard drive in your laptop and keep the money toward a desktop?

I would do that but i have been offered some money towards the cost as a Christmas present. I need a more portable laptop for Uni aswell.

It should be extremely fast so maybe i won't need a desktop!?
To me the only reason to use a laptop is if I'm not at home. I really prefer sitting at a desk with a full size keyboard with mouse, and a large monitor at eye level. You could have course connect a monitor to the macbook but personally I would buy a top range imac for less money, and a decent shoulder bag for your current laptop. :) Though, there is a product update down the line so...


That's what i'm like at the moment! :)

I would like to take it to Uni everyday and to my parents when i'm visiting them abroad. The main reason for the fast laptop is that it's great for doing photography work on while i'm away and it's been integral on some shoots.

I think i'll stick with the upgrades. In the end it's "only" going to cost me £1000 so i'm trying to look at it that way! :) I only wish macworld was this month though. This is kind of a Christmas present.

For me, it'll probably be fast and good enough to use as a desktop! It'll last me 2 years so the value for money won't really be too much of an issue.

i'm going to fix my old one and let my girlfriend have it/use it. Or maybe sell it?!
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I sold my Mac Pro for more than I bought it for, so yes, they do :D

I remember that! You couldn't believe your luck! :p (Was your 2.33Ghz MacBook Pro right?)

I just hope they don't come out with a 17" Quad core model in january. O well, 17" is too big anyway. Not portable enough. I do love it though!

My old PowerMac Dual G5 is worth £510! That's a 5 year old computer! That's amazing! If only i could get it working...
Would you be happy if your new machine you buy lasted 2 years before needing replacing?


Yep! I would. You make it sound like they die after 2 years by saying lasted! :p

My old one is still going strong albeit the whirring/humming hard drive it's just it's a little slow now for photography work. I want to go for the 15" purely for size. The 17" is just too big to lug around to Uni everyday and it would be nice to have a smaller laptop. I wouldn't say I'm downgrading to a 15", it's plugged into my external when at home and when i go to uni it's a bit too big with the limited space available when having it out.

As i said though, i "only" have to put a grand towards the final cost and that money is being funded either by a motorbike i'm selling (which i didn't buy in the first place) or by selling the 17".

It's also a christmas present so i can't wait until January!

The final cost is around £1600 with the upgrades.
I suppose to me it is madness to spend £1600 every 2 years on a laptop, for you it isn't (shows a lack of planning or value more than anything imo).

Enjoy :)


This is way less than i spent when i had a PC! :p

At least when i come to sell it it'll still be worth something! It's not like i'm spending all that money and that's that, when i come to sell it i'll put the money towards a new computer. And at least it'll of held it's value a lot better than a PC would. I'm still bitter that i bought a X1900XT-X for £300 and then 6 months down the line sold it for £100. Gutted.

Is it just the fact that I'm getting the 2.8Ghz upgrade?

My 17" is in no way slow for everyday use but for photographic work i need something faster. I was doing a photography job at a conference in October in London and I nearly didn't get paid due to computer being too slow. Some may say wait for the Mac Pro but i need a portable as it's integral to Uni and Photographic jobs. I don't have many other outgoings so the computer is a good investment!

I like my Apple products but i wouldn't say I'm a fanboy! I want the new model! :p 2 years is a long time for me without upgrading! :eek:
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It was more his reason I questioned tbh. He is not buying a new one as a hobby, his old one is not powerful enough which was the bit I am struggling to grasp, but his desire for a smaller machine justifies it somewhat.

p.s. i think you quoted the wrong part of my post :), unless you are gonna help me with the ipod touch thread :)


My old one isn't powerful enough. It has never been powerful enough for Aperture and Photoshop gets by alright. It's mainly Aperture which is a huge system hog but i find it very useful!

I think if my 17" had a newer graphics chip in it i would be happy but i can't upgrade that.

There is countless reasons why i would want a new computer, shall i list them?

HAHAHA!!! :p

Adrianr said:
Just out of curiosity, what do you shoot with that would slow down your MBP to the level of almost loosing you a job? If your current one is too slow, the new one isn't going to be the difference between loosing/keeping work.

You sound like you have a lot of money for a Uni student to be prioritizing the latest Mac Book Pro over more photographic gear.

I was shooting for a conference/exhibition at the brewery. I think it was poor planning on my part that i got the pictures in late and i vented my frustration at my computer. I had to process 3000 odd photo's and even though i had a load of automation going on the constant switching between programs (aperture and CS3) took a long time.

I got paid in photographic gear! :p

I am a money hoarder and tend not to buy a lot of stuff. I don't usually go out much, don't smoke, don't drink often and budget my money each week so that i can keep some money away for a rainy day. I work 3 days a week and go to Uni 3 days studying Sound Engineering. I don't have many outgoings.

Maybe the new computer won't be any faster but i feel there is a lot of animosity to me getting this new computer, if i were buying an iMac or Mac Pro would the response be any different?
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Buy the computer. Just admit you really like buying shiny new things like the rest of us.

You don't need to justify yourself to anyone here. Coming out with tales of taking thousands of pictures, having no social life, and whatnot isn't necessary. :D


O.k I want a damn brand spanking new computer alright! :p NOW!

yashiro said:
Speedwise a new macbook won't be a lot faster. As you currently use a 17" Pro stepping down to the new top end 15" might feel like a bad move. I'd definitely wait and see if they finally release a new 17" Pro.

I really don't see the 17" to 15" as a downgrade at all. I'm seeing it as a positive as i can lug it to Uni with ease and take it around easily. The 17" and the 15" has always historically had the same specs right? Pretty sure the MacBook Pro did when i bought the 17".
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