Origin - what is release date of that version?

22 Mar 2017
Hi. Version What is date of that version? Some sites tell 2 june 2019 some its3 June and some even 2017 year.

Also my Origin is actually but files date are 31.05 in folder Origin. Any ideas?

I investigating some thing. I had one weird exit from BF 5 in 2 June near 3 a.m. Maybe somehow it was update but i was not logged .
im pretty sure what your looking at is the 'date modified' , so thats the date they finished working on those files

then what they usually do is send the updates out in batches... much like microsoft do with windows updates, not everyone gets them at the same time or the same day
if the updates went live for everyone at the same time it would cause too much load on their servers, creating all kinds of issues

so just because it shows 31.05 doesnt mean you dont have the june 2/3 update
i have the same dates on my files, even some from 2015
So how i can check when that was installed / or updated?If anyhow i can . Also is this possible that origin was updated to that version without logging out?

And finally what is release date for Some sites said 2/3 june 2019 ,may 2019 and even 2017 year .
I dont think you can check when it was installed/updated but what you can do is check when the update was released.. and as i said it releases in batches not to everyone at once
so june 2/3 is correct

just to clarify update IS the june 2/3 update

Depending on your settings origin will automatically install updates as soon as they become available
Ok last question. Is this possible that Origin Servers was caused issue? Game was exit to desktop near 3.a.m 2 June without error message in event log,just exit. But i saw Origin for a moment white/grey screen and loading circle and again fine. Just asking :)

I was in Campaign Singleplayer MOde,ONLINE mode ORigin.
i cant be sure but it sounds like your game crashed to desktop, then origin's cloud save kicked in as it does when your game closes

Origin had nothing to do with your game crashing, also game crashes dont always show in the event log.. you could try searching in the games install directory to see if there is a log file somewhere

either way it sounds like it was a one-off random crash and nothing to worry about
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