Origin Access Premier expiring in a couple of months, anything I should play before then?

17 Jul 2010
I bought Origin Access Premier in October last year expecting to have hundreds of hours in BF:V and Anthem. Well, we all know how that played out don't we? The game I've played more of then them both put together is Apex Legends. Which was free!

I've played (or am playing) Battlefront 2 & Mass Effect Andromeda, is there anything else I should be looking to play before it expires as I'm unlikely to renew if they want another £90!
Not really. Mostly Anthem's still the big name on it, BF V even went back to Basic. Imo Premier isn't really worth the money, they have too few worthwhile games out on it month to month. Basic is fine tho.
BF1 and BFV single player campaigns, Titanfall 2 single player (which is very good btw), Frostpunk, They Are Billions (very very difficult later on). I just cancelled my Origin Access sub too but let my sons renew.
BF1 and BFV single player campaigns, Titanfall 2 single player (which is very good btw), Frostpunk, They Are Billions (very very difficult later on). I just cancelled my Origin Access sub too but let my sons renew.

Had TF2 and BF1 bought already, have done the SP on both and on BFV too. Will check out the others.
Furi, FTL, Moonlighter, ABZU, Rime, Inside, Limbo, Hyper Light Drifter, Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth, This war of mine, sexy brutale and probably more.

These are just my picks of what I would like to play if I had access. I didn't even go through the entire list. They're not 'for everyone' games like this homogenous garbage that AAA studios put out, but I'd give some of them a wee look.
I cancelled my Premier a few months ago too, got my moneys worth out of it but I see no reason to renew with the lack of interesting games especially when compared the Microsoft sub, Plague tale looks interesting enough to give a try
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