Origin/EA & Steam - Hacked or network issues?

4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Is anyone else having issues tonight?

Me and my cousin can't play Fifa 17 as lag was so bad, 2 second delays between every action and then stopped finding servers all together. Then origin has been playing up all day logging out and now Steam is just hanging when logging in as well. It's all very strange.
Are you with Virgin? I'm not on PC currently but just had my PS4 disconnect me from the network. Also I think I read some people in the console forum also had this issue today with Virgin.

If you're not with them, maybe it's the weather causing issues?
Is anyone else having issues tonight?

Me and my cousin can't play Fifa 17 as lag was so bad, 2 second delays between every action and then stopped finding servers all together. Then origin has been playing up all day logging out and now Steam is just hanging when logging in as well. It's all very strange.
My Origin got hacked last week apparently it's common mainly due to Fifa's "micro transactions". Managed to get it back as I had a game code saved in my email from a purchase on my account.
Origin can sometimes be pretty bad. The amount of people who were cheating on SW Battlefront at one time was bad enough but what was worse that when you searched for their account it showed they were offline. Yeah right they were offline EA when they just racked up 100 kills in SW! If people can fool Origin into thinking you are offline when you are actually in an online game cheating with a simple cheat hack then how safe are the accounts !
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