Origin Game Tester Program

8 Jan 2010

Why would anyone want to?

You basically ruin the game for yourself surely?

- Won't ruin experience with mp games
- Get to test games as they develop
- Test games in pre alpha, alpha, beta up to demo stage
- Attend events
- Chance to give feedback and prevent target audience players wanting Metro style maps, more lock on weapons and useless gadgets for BF.
- Find bugs, glitches and balance issues early on in the development cycle
Betas aren't what they used to be. I remember getting into betas for new games was a massive thing and it was generally for people who wanted to do games testing. These days however for a lot of people it's more about getting to play the game first and treating it more like a demo.
- Won't ruin experience with mp games
- Get to test games as they develop
- Test games in pre alpha, alpha, beta up to demo stage
- Attend events
- Chance to give feedback and prevent target audience players wanting Metro style maps, more lock on weapons and useless gadgets for BF.
- Find bugs, glitches and balance issues early on in the development cycle

None of those things prevent ruining the game for yourself... and seem like a lot of hassle to do for free.
I can't remember the last time I logged into my Origin...sorry EA...account. Infact I think the last couple times I did was just to get the free games they were offering. Which is a bit pointless really :)
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