Original Xbox or Gamecube? (I bought an Xbox)

12 May 2011
I've owned neither of these and I'm not sure which I want to get. I've priced up two baskets on CEX (I've got a £60 voucxher) for about £120-£130 and could get either of these:

XBOX £70
Project Gotham Racing 2 £1
Forza Motorsport £4
Fable £3
Enter the Matrix £1
Midtown Madness 3 £6
Shenmue 2 £8
Sega GT 2002 £5
Crimson Skies £5
Galleon £4
Headhunter Redemption £2.50

Mario Sunshine £18
Star Wars Rogue Leader £6
Windwaker £35

With both options I would have course be buying more games over time.

Which would you go for?
Gamecube for me, still love that console.

Some good games you are getting.

Along with those I'd recommend Eternal Darkness which was awesome, Wave Race and F Zero are top notch, and the Resi remake and Zero with the pre-rendered graphics looked amazing at the time.
Both pretty awesome systems. Xbox - Rallisport Challenge was wicked. Halo's, Jet Set Radio Future, Ninja Gaiden/Black.

I Still have my copy of Killer 7 on the Gamecube
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Mario Kart Double Dash, the Zelda games, Skies of Arcadia, Killer 7, Metroid Prime, Viewitiful Joe etc.

I always found the original Xbox a bit lacklustre tbh, some fantastic games but most of the best were or ended up being multiplatform like Halo and Jade Empire.
I've still got an OG Xbox up in the loft. I hardly ever used it, even when it was actually a contemporary console. Though I did thoroughly enjoy the first couple of Splinter Cell games on it I remember, and getting my arse handed to me in Ninja Gaiden. I keep hearing it was *the* go to console for all sorts of modding, media server and the like.
I've still got an OG Xbox up in the loft. I hardly ever used it, even when it was actually a contemporary console. Though I did thoroughly enjoy the first couple of Splinter Cell games on it I remember, and getting my arse handed to me in Ninja Gaiden. I keep hearing it was *the* go to console for all sorts of modding, media server and the like.
Yeah the OG Xbox still holds its own as an emulation workhorse! There're tons of mods and upgrades you can do to keep it modern and up to date, like an HDMI upgrade.
Original XBOX

Get the Halo games, GTA 3, Red Dead Revolver and Splinter Cell / Hitman. Im sure they were all on the OG Xbox
I still play both but I would say go with the GameCube.

As per this, both fantastic consoles in their own right. Have some amazing memories of Halo, Forza Motorsport 1, Project Gotham amongst others on the Xbox.

That said the Cube in my eyes is a tour de force of a console generation with a huge catalogue of fantastic games. Rogue Leader, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, Wario Ware, Fzero-GX (still mind blowingly good now) Wave Race: Blue Storm, 1080 Avalanche......I could crank on forever lol
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OG Xbox has some issues with caps, but with CeX you would have the 2 year warranty. Personally I would go with the Gamecube for the exclusives. You have listed a lot of quality games for such a good price and arguably games will run/look better on Xbox, which I would think about if you're interested multiplatform games.

Xbox also has cheaper options for component cables, but cannot run at 480p for PAL games without changing to NTSC, GC can run 480p but only if using Swiss (but the component/HDMI options are fairly expensive).

Guess another thing to weigh up, can you get the Gamecube exclusives elsewhere? Few have been re-released over the years on Wii/U and Switch. Speaking of Wii U, you can play GC games via HDMI ;).
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Both have great games and modding abilities for HDMI or emulation and Swiss etc. Gamecube could expand to Gameboy / Gameboy advance games too if you can snag a cheap GB Player addon.

Xbox is an emulation beast if you go down that route.

Halo, project Gotham etc vs Zelda, Mario, Luigi Mansion, Mario Party.

I think Gamecube wins for me as I played Double Dash a crap load when younger with friends in 4 player. But I also played through Halo a ton too so just get both. :D
GameCube is excellent (recently made a customised one for my partner) but it's really difficult to justify from a non-nostalgia standpoint when backward compatible Wiis are available for a tenner.

Both consoles certainly have their hits though.
If you can go for both of course ;)

I had a gamecube back in the day so most of my nostalgia is for that, so many hours playing the obvious titles like Smash, Mario Sunshine, Metroid.
That said, I probably have more memories of Halo splitscreen on my mates Xbox than multiplayer time on the cube.
Neither. Whenever I price it up on CEX I see the delivery costs and then when I go into town they only have the GameCube and Rogue squadron then I think things like “you don’t really have space to plug it in, it will look crap on your tv so it would have to be plugged into your work desk tv/monitor which handles interlacing better so it will be in the way” and then I go home lol.
Neither. Whenever I price it up on CEX I see the delivery costs and then when I go into town they only have the GameCube and Rogue squadron then I think things like “you don’t really have space to plug it in, it will look crap on your tv so it would have to be plugged into your work desk tv/monitor which handles interlacing better so it will be in the way” and then I go home lol.

Just keep an eye out on FB marketplace for one close to you. I've been seeing some bargains for old consoles that people don't realise sell for more these days. I just have to keep resisting!

I've just bought a few Wii's recently for about £15 or so and they come with the motion plus controller as well! So the Wii is pretty much free!

Gamecube I've not seen many cheap ones come up but you might get lucky. Or as above, go for a Wii that can do GC as well.
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