Orton Flower

26 Nov 2003
East Sussex
I tried the orton effect on a flowery thing:


and came out with this:


Thoughts? :)
I prefer the first shot, it's much sharper. How did you go about processing the image?

As an aside, I find the blurred borders hugely distracting on any shot. I've noticed a few people use them but I think it detracts greatly from what can be otherwise excellent images.

Scuzi said:
I prefer the first shot, it's much sharper :)

Yeah, it's much sharper, but the whole idea of this effect I believe is to not have a crisp clear image, I believe it is for when the image is used as a background to a main subject, or a backdrop picture.


Always loved that affect, excellent pic's :)
I like this effect because it gives soft feel, like those taken with soft focus lens.

I really love the soft touch it gives to portrait and flowers photos.

Original - untouched

Orton effect (some level tweaking and unsharp).

Orton and surreal mix :)
I've just read up on it there. That shot of the tulips really suits the effect, I like it.
Having seen the original shot in the OP I can't help but prefer it. IMO the softening doesn't suit that particular shot. I'm not sure what I'd think had I not seen them side by side. :confused:

Hmm, I don't know what I think :p
Scuzi said:
I prefer the first shot, it's much sharper.

hehehe, made me giggle :p Orton effect is essentially just a big blur!

This is the first time I've tried the blurred edges, I normally opt for a simple black border, felt it was well past time to try something different!

It's fine to prefer the sharper image, not everyone has the same tastes!

Phate said:
Always loved that affect, excellent pic's :)

Thanks! :)
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