OS Grid Ref with Google Maps?

30 Jul 2006
I know that you can enter a UK Post Code in Google Maps to find a location and I believe that you can also enter Latitude & Longitude. However, I can't see any way of entering a UK OS Grid Reference to find a location. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how?

In answer to the obvious question, I would like to know for help in directing walkers to a parking place in the country where Post Codes simply don't work.

OK, perhaps I should clarify:
I want people to park near to SK 095 648 (chosen at random and there is doubtless a valid nearby PostCode)
Some of these people happen to use GoogleMaps on an Android mobile phone for navigation purposes rather than a TomTom or Garmin SatNav
Is there any way to enter the OS Grid Reference SK 095 648 into GoogleMaps on an Android mobile phone for navigation purposes?
I accept that one can convert any OS Grid Ref to Lat & Long but I wondered whether you could use it directly with GoogleMaps.​
Does it have to be an OS grid ref?

'What three words' could be a good alternative.
Good point, I hadn't thought of that; does "What Three Words" work with GoogleMaps?

as already mentioned os maps is great for this and available on smartphones. its way better for walking and navigation and available as a free trial version. google maps doesn't convert as you asked. you could sent people a link with directions in g-maps mind you
I think that the walkers in question always think in terms of the OS Grid Reference but the idea of "What Three Words" sounds like a sensible alternative if it works with GoogleMaps.

To be entirely honest, I have never used GoogleMaps and rely on a TomTom but it does seem that many people are using GoogleMaps these days and I just want to find a way of helping with that if I can.

ps - "free trial versions" are just that - "free" right up to the point where you get used to them ;)
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