OS X wifi issues

1 Mar 2007
Had a few issues recently past couple of weeks on Mountain Lion I was hoping these would be fixed by installing Mavericks but I am randomly having problems with wifi I have to go into network, assist me, diagnostics which normally fixes it.

Other wifi devices are ok...can anyone suggest anything. Tired a wired connection but that doesn't seem any better :(
Had a few issues recently past couple of weeks on Mountain Lion I was hoping these would be fixed by installing Mavericks but I am randomly having problems with wifi I have to go into network, assist me, diagnostics which normally fixes it.

Other wifi devices are ok...can anyone suggest anything. Tired a wired connection but that doesn't seem any better :(

Im having de ja vu. Ive been having the exact same problems mate and I too thought installing Mavericks may of helped matters.

I posted it in the mavericks thread as i wasn't aware but basically, as you have installed Mavericks you are now able to get an additional 90 days phone support.

I phoned Apple today as I had enough of constant wifi drop offs etc and they went through a whole pile of things such as deleting DNS address etc and so far so good.

Initially i was looking to book it in for repair but like i say, since talking to them a couple of hours ago, things seem to be working ok. The problem is, however, intermittent, and what is good browsing speed all of a sudden turns sour. I explained to them that the ethernet port was working fine as well as other wireless devices around the house.

Give them a ring to see how you get on..After trawling through the Apple communities the last few days this seems to be a problem thats getting more and more common. My MBP is just per a year old and up until 3 weeks ago was working flawlessly.
Cheers Lorddalron, suppose I could phone them never tried calling them before to be honest. I tend to mange things out ok for in the end. It's now really frustrating ethernet doesnt seem to help either.

Ive got the problem on my Mac Mini from last year(current version)
Yea i know what your saying. Today was the day that i had enough though. Its getting really frustrating. I don't, however, have issues with ethernet but i rarely use it tbh.
That was short lived, Im having issues again.

Im going to contact Apple again tomorrow as the lady forwarded me the case number. Im going to ask to book in to local apple store but the thing that will bug me is the fact that it comes and goes. I could travel all the way to my Apple store for it to work perfectly.

Seems to be happening to new MBP as well as a guy literally posted to the Apple community forums with the same issue.
Lorddalron, I've changed the channel number on my router and it looks to have fixed my issue. Might be worth trying if you haven't mate.
If a channel change fixed it then it's interference.

Can't really suggest anything else unless you provide details of the Mac and the wireless device it's connecting to.
If you go on Apple's .com site and go to the web chat, then follow things through until it asks you to pay $19.99 and then click the "I believe I have an exemption" button, I've never known them question it, they just try to solve the problem. Apple seem to be really good with this, and their support are great.

They won't repair hardware, but if you just tell them (at any point you have a problem) that you've just upgraded to Mavericks I doubt they'll particularly check.
Hold down command (or is it option - I can never remember!) and click the network icon.

That should give you more detailed stats, including the signal to noise ratio.
If I get a WiFi problem with a new device beyond the basics I normally find resetting the router can resolve it.
Option. There's also an option for Wireless Diagnostics which it adds. Open that, then press Cmd+2 and theres a nice utility that does scanning. In Mavericks anyway, can't recall the Mountain Lion way as I've nuked the alias. The wireless diags have been there for years, they just keep moving around the way to access it!
Lorddalron, I've changed the channel number on my router and it looks to have fixed my issue. Might be worth trying if you haven't mate.

Thanks again guys for the various options...Ive left things as above now everything is currently working ok. If I get issues again I will try some of the fixes.

Thanks some good tips there
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