Oscar nominee cameras

Was a tad surprised that RED wasn't on there. Good to see ARRI dominating though, both in film and digital.
I've heard that RED cameras tend to be quite unreliable (break often). Maybe that's why they're not widely used. Those ARRI cameras do deserve the win though. All the films and TV shows that they're used in look fantastic (though thats not to say the RED can't match it).
The link in the comments to the Red forums is an interesting read.

You're not wrong. I just spent ages reading through that. LOTS more info in there than I expected. Some very good points made and the techy info in there is interesting too.

I like the three trains of thought:

Old boys club (conspiracy)
Waiting for new tech
Coincidental due to scripts/story

It's all good fun and a change from photography forums :D
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