Oscars thread

30 Jul 2006
Leeds Booo..
Well the results are in, what does everyone think? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6395861.stm<<<<winners

Disappointed that "The Departed" one best picture, thought it was dire in comparision to his other films and paled to Infernal Affairs it ripped the story from. He deserved an oscar for direction though, about time.

Forest Whitaker defo deserved his, loved his performance in LKoS and The Shield from a while ago.

To sleepy to discuss others....... :o <yawn
Scam said:
[snip]I guess maybe if you watched them first a long time ago you may have rose-tinted specs -- but to me The Departed was a lot easier to follow, better shot, well.. better everything. I think it's one of those rare cases where a remake is better than the original.

I agree with you that it was easier to follow and better shot but I guess your first statement is true, it could be the rose-tinted specs. Infernal Affairs trilogy is one of my favourite Hong Kong films and my housemates are all the same, all prefered IA to Departed.

tntcoder said:
Surprised Will Smith didn't get one :(

I reckon he would have been next in line if Forest hadn't done the whole physcho-funny dictator thing.
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