OScommerce or Cubecart?

4 Jun 2005
After looking at so many carts, in the end it came down to these two. The fact they offer decent support and start off free means I can see how good they really are.

I just dont know which to use. At the moment, it seems 60% CC and 40% OSC.

I want it to be intergrated with PayPal without users having to sign up to PP or even see the page that asks to sign in, but CC seems to offer a lot of problems with a variety of issues on PP, does OSC have the same problems?

My knowledge is fairly decent, I used to use MsSql (I know they use MySql) databases with a variety of php scripting so I have a little experience.

Does anyone use either of them with PayPal? If so, what are your comments and recommendations.

Thanks in advance.
OSC uses a lot of deprecated code which will be obsolete when PHP6 arrives, plus uses things like register globals which a lot of hosts are reluctant to enable.

Have you also looked at Zencart?

Cubecart I've no clue about.
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