'Other' category

19 Dec 2010
The south
Had mountain lion for about a month and a bit now, happened to notice the 'other' category is over 65Gb, which is about 85% of all that I have filled up so far (77Gb).

Where is this all coming from? Someone said it could be sleep images, as I do put it to sleep rather than shutting down, but surely these would be deleted on restart or reboot?

I don't use time machine as my external HDD is NTFS and so won't write to it! (I would format but I have no where to put the data during the format until I go home at xmas! ): )

Diskwave said that i had most of the extra in my documents, and after following it through, turns out that 'other' includes your downloads, and also Parallels which I would have thought came under Apps. But at least I know where it is now!

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