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Troy was god-awful. Not a patch on the other two you mentioned, and probably one of my worst cinema experiences ever. What about The Last Samurai?

EDIT: The 13th Warrior is good too.
Scam said:
Troy was god-awful. Not a patch on the other two you mentioned, and probably one of my worst cinema experiences ever. What about The Last Samurai?
Troys great, watching it again know.

Already got the last samurai, tis very good as well.
Azagoth said:
Pathfinder, that looks like an interesting film.

It was good. The main good guy from the doom movie plays the part of a viking whose ship crashed on the shores of some other continent inhabited by indian/amazonian type people when he was a child. He grows up with them and all is happy till one day some nasty vikings turn up and slaughter his village. He then goes on a bit of a rambo: first blood style chase through the jungle while learning things from a new tribe he met whilst on the run... including a load of wisdom from the tribes old pathfinder guy.

Good film with a couple of twists and some great action bits (sledging section is good) with graphic amounts of blood and violence. Acting was quite good all round and viking costumes look great.

Overall, a fantastic film to go and see or rent out or whatever.
BillHicksRIP said:
"Do you like movies about Gladiators?"

Not especially, I don't like the old films like Spartacus, Conan and others. It's just the new ones are so well done, especially the commentary type bits.

Thanks guys, I'll give them a check out.
Scam said:
Troy was god-awful. Not a patch on the other two you mentioned, and probably one of my worst cinema experiences ever. What about The Last Samurai?

EDIT: The 13th Warrior is good too.

Yea I really didnt like Troy that much... maybe it was Orlando Bloom picking up a bow that made me go wtf is Legolas doing here I Dunno.... dont even get me started on 'Alexander' Me and a friend actually walked out I couldnt take the pain.

Back OT: 'The Last Samurai' is awesome, look past the Tom Cruise owning everyone type thing and being the winnar, hes great in it, and the action scenes made me grin like a little kid when I watch it.
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