Other games like homeworld?

11 Jan 2006
I loved the original Homeworld game, Found the second one good also but it was not the same. I also liked ORB-off world resource base, It was'nt as good a homeworld but it was still a great game. Are there any other games out their like this to try?
IM not into eve-online Because it would eat up my life, My mate plays it and I just cant afford to give up that much time.

Im interested in other space games ?
Do you mean "homeworld 2 " or homeworld cataclysm"? Homeworld 2 is a worthy successor to the original, but gameplay is a bit tedious in comparison. Got some nice features though and looks prettier. Cataclysm was/is a but cheesy as the vocals are quite bad, but plays in a similar manner to the original.
Nexus is about the closest I've seen. Quality game, although not quite at Cataclysm's level (cataclysm was by far the best of the homeworlds. Siege cannon was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in a game).
Yes nexus looks good! Im gonna get that! Any other good space games about does not have to be like home world, Have there been any games like freespace released in the last couple of years? I loved that game!
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