Other half just deleted 75gig of data....

18 Oct 2002
Please please please... the other half just shift deleted 75gig of data from my machine. How can I recover it? Its not in the recycle bin....

A[L]C said:
Please please please... the other half just shift deleted 75gig of data from my machine. How can I recover it? Its not in the recycle bin....


Oh dear, when the art house collection goes down the swanny.... its like a death in the family....
have used 'getdataback' and 'recover my files' in the past with preference being recover my files have recovered many gigs of data after a partition change gone horribly wrong.

as for the sarky comments im sure if you had lost gigs of data probably including photographs, work you had done or even that 'legal' mp3 colection you had built up over the years you would be a bit miffed
binaryknight said:
as for the sarky comments im sure if you had lost gigs of data probably including photographs, work you had done or even that 'legal' mp3 colection you had built up over the years you would be a bit miffed

they were only joking.

most of the people here have some sort of backup system, be it a spare hdd or whatever. we all know how unreliable hardware, software and esp. people can be, if you use a pc and have no system in place for restoring your data i have no sympathy for you. sorry if that sounds harsh but it's not like this is a new thing.
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